Fri, 5th Jan 2025:
You may notice the updates to the website I've made, expect more of those. This is something I ought to work on, especially in the new year.
Fifth album is also imminent at this point, I finished the tracks back in late September. I don't know who reads these at this point, but I like screaming into the void :)
Fri, 6th Sep 2024:
Longer term followers may have noticed that a lot of tracks have been removed from Soundcloud, including the entirety of Virtual Sleep Paralysis & Utopia's Aren't Real. For that, you need not worry! I only did so because there's a limited amount of upload space on Soundcloud (unless I paid for the "Pro" subscription) & uploading the upcoming album later this month would exceed that limit. Everything that was deleted from Soundcloud is still here on Bandcamp (still free) & you may have noticed that I prioritise Bancamp more anyway.
Fri, 9th Mar 2024:
An update. I'm still working on things and it's taking time. The illusive 5th album needed more time than it's initial August schedual, due to shifts creatively & with priorites. I can't yet say when it'll be out, but my vision with this is ambitious, so again it'll take time. Although I do plan to have more stuff on my Youtube, I have a clearer idea of what I want to do with that than before. Apologies for the wait, but stay tuned - Nathan
Sat, 17th Sep 2022:
Mine Your Their is officially released on Bandcamp, other services soon.